Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Executive Director Message UAPA Newsletter December 2014

Last night I had the privilege of attending a concert by the Millennial Choir & Orchestra of Utah.  During that performance, one individual singer sung a solo that that was both touching and effective in sharing a certain message.   Later on, during the same song, the soloist was joined by the entire choir and orchestra in what can only be described as an overwhelming and powerful performance that will certainly resonate with me and many others for many holiday seasons to come. 
Similar to my experience with the choir and orchestra, it is not hard for me to draw an analogy to the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association (UAPA).  Individually, we can certainly be effective and cause change within and without our industry.  Collectively, however, I’ve seen us move mountains and work to become a unified voice that is being heard on a number of issues affecting how we do business.
I know that that work will continue for UAPA in 2015.  First and foremost on our agenda is providing a first-rate educational experience at the 2015 Utah Asphalt Conference.  Indeed, we are working hard to provide all attendees with a comprehensive and meaningful education on all things asphalt – even the politics and funding that goes on in the state in order to build and maintain our roads!  Here are just a few of the highlights of the upcoming conference:
·      Doug Watson from CMT Engineering will join us to talk about how quality control directly affects your pavement life.
·      Joe Johnson from Kilgore Companies and several city representatives will talk to attendees about why consistent specifications in our region matter. 
·      We will have an exciting and engaging panel discussion with representatives from WW Clyde, Staker Parson Companies, Kilgore Companies, and Granite Construction who will share with us all of the amazing and diversified careers centered on the asphalt pavement industry here in Utah.
On top of these great breakout sessions and others, we will have the President of Cat Paving join us on the 26th to give a keynote address to all attendees.  As the full agenda has this and much more in store, I hope you will consider attending the conference in 2015 and even participate as an exhibitor or sponsor where appropriate.
As the year 2014 comes to a close, I want to wish you the very best during this holiday season.  It is a special time of year, so take a moment to enjoy it because 2015 is right around the corner and we have much to do!   

                                                                                                Warm regards,


UAPA Newsletter President’s Message December 2014

    We are quickly coming to the end of 2014.  While we have had a mild fall and early winter, we know that our asphalt paving and maintenance season will be ending soon.  From all indications it has been a good year with improvement over last year and we look forward to a great year in 2015.

Last month, we had a very successful first annual Southern Utah Asphalt Seminar with approximately one-hundred-and-thirty (130) attendees and great support from vendors and exhibitors from all over the state.  Special thanks to all who helped make the event an overwhelming success.  I have received great feedback from many on the content and support of the seminar.

As we finish the year, I would encourage everyone to help us focus as we finalize plans for the 2015 Utah Asphalt Conference happening February 25th-26th at the South Towne Expo Center in Sandy, Utah.  We need everyone’s support to have another successful conference.  Please take some time to reach out to UAPA members and industry folks to register, exhibit, and sponsor this event.

I wish all of you a very happy holiday season.  Enjoy it to the fullest by spending time with loved ones and reflecting on all that is good. 

                                                                        -Craig Fabrizio
                                                                        Staker Parson Companies

                                                                        UAPA President 2014-2015