Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Executive Director Message - November 2016

The 2016 Southern Utah Seminar - A Moment to Say Thanks  

Happy Thanksgiving! This month we have a lot to be grateful for (it finally snowed!). The season is winding down (at least for a few weeks) and we are busily getting ready for the 2017 Utah Asphalt Conference. Before we get there, however, I’d be remiss if I did not mention the 2016 Southern Utah Asphalt Seminar (SUAS) hosted by UAPA in St. George just over a week ago.

With 150 attendees, 15 vendors, and multiple sponsors, this year’s Seminar was our most successful educational event in the area to date! Now in its third year, I can’t help but appreciate and be grateful for what the SUAS has turned in to for not only for UAPA, but for the community that is our industry in Southern Utah. The keynote address from Mark Owens with Landmark Testing this year provided an amazing perspective on just how far the area has come and what is on the horizon as the area continues to grow. The best part of Mark’s remarks, however, came when he recognized all of the individuals who, through many years of dedicated work and service, have made this special corner of Utah what it is today. Plus, who doesn’t like free .22 shells as a giveaway!? Brilliant! 

In addition to Mark’s comments, we had four great educational sessions (CE Certificates coming soon!) and even a live demo that featured crack sealing best practices - thanks Scott! 

As mentioned above, all of this would not have been possible without our event sponsors, so special thanks to our Black & Gold Sponsor, Sunroc; our Black & Silver Sponsors, Honnen Equipment, Summit Energy, Wheeler Machinery, Western Rock; and our Black & Bronze Sponsors, Coughlin Company, Ingevity, Kimball Equipment Company, and Crafco, Inc.

I hope the rest of this week and month finds you surrounded by those closest to you as we kickoff in earnest the holiday season. Through it all, take a moment to be grateful and give thanks. For me, that was the biggest takeaway from the SUAS this year. Thank you to everyone that helped make the Seminar a huge success! 


P.S. The Networking Golf Outing on the 14th wasn't bad either!!

Friday, November 18, 2016


Collaboration toward Comprehensive Maintenance Leadership Training

Have you thought about collaborating with other transportation agencies to meet your workforce development needs? Discover the benefits of NHI's Maintenance Leadership Academy (MLA) and learn about collaborative hosting options from NHI's recent article in Public Roads, FHWA's bimonthly magazine.

Learn More

Tips for Finding Partners

  • Talk to neighboring states that share similar challenges, geography, or weather.
  • Invite neighboring states that use different processes or approaches.
  • Invite regional AASHTO peers.
  • Ask NHI to hold seats for neighboring states.

To talk to an NHI training professional about the MLA or about regional collaboration, contact us at 1-877-558-6873.

New & Updated Courses

Highway Safety
FHWA-NHI-380120: Introducing Human Factors in Roadway Design and Operations (ILT)

FHWA-NHI-135041: One-Dimensional Modeling of River Encroachments with HEC-RAS (ILT)
FHWA-NHI-135092: Highway Hydrology: Basic Concepts and Methods Web-Based (WBT)
FHWA-NHI-135094: Culvert Hydraulic Analysis and Design Program (HY-8) (WBT)

Freight and Transportation Logistics
FHWA-NHI-139011: Fundamentals of Freight Data Workshop (ILT)

Pavements and Materials
FHWA-NHI-131140: Hot In-place Recycling (WBT)
FHWA-NHI-131142: Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) (WBT)

FHWA-NHI-130105A: Introduction to FRP Materials and Applications for Concrete Structures (WBT)

FHWA-NHI-130105B: Construction Procedures and Specifications for Bonded Repair and Retrofit of Concrete Structures (WBT)
FHWA-NHI-130105C: Quality Control of Repair and Retrofit of Concrete Structures Using FRP Composites (WBT)

Transportation Performance Management
FHWA-NHI-138004: MAP-21 Transportation Performance Management Overview (Including FAST Act Updates) (ILT)

Transportation Planning
FHWA-NHI-151056: Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS): Concepts, Data Collection & Reporting Requirements (ILT)