Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Executive Director's Message April


For me, change has always been a little difficult.  It is not that I do not appreciate change, or that I am one who will not change for the better.  I think I am just like most when it comes to the concept of time in that it seems we never have enough of it before one chapter comes to a close and another one is opened.

As an organization, UAPA recently underwent such change as Craig Fabrizio from Staker Parson Companies was elected as UAPA’s next President for April 2014-April 2015.  I am excited for Craig’s time as President of this association.  Craig brings with him a bevy of institutional knowledge and contacts that will surely benefit UAPA as the association continues to mature.

Looking ahead, there are several things on the horizon for UAPA.  Without question, as an association we need to continue to grow and to provide value to all levels of our membership.  We will continue to do this through meetings regarding specifications, but we will also remain committed to a healthy and robust educational program through our Lunch and Learn Series.  In addition to the series, UAPA will delve further into the world of training, certifications, and best practices for the betterment of our industry.  We will look to establish a Local Government Advisory Council to give us feedback on the needs of our communities and we will create an Executive Steering Committee drawn from member companies to give us the oversight and direction we need to continue to mature as an association.  The Utah Asphalt Conference will remain our hallmark event in the spring and the Annual UAPA Golf Classic will continue to be a wonderful event for us to give something back to local charities and causes in Utah that make a difference.  New this year, I hope to add a UAPA Southern Utah Seminar that will provide needed training and educational opportunities to cities and counties in southern Utah who are yearning to access on a more regular basis the resources associated with UAPA.  There are certainly other items on the horizon for the association, and I encourage you to share your vision with me.  All ideas are welcome as we plan and set goals for UAPA moving forward.  Having talked to over forty cities and counties this past week at the ULCT Road School, I know that the need for services that UAPA can provide is very real and very much needed – with such a high demand, it is a great time to be a part of UAPA!

I would be remiss if I did not thank Joe Johnson for his past year of service as the President of UAPA.  From the very beginning, Joe was one of the first people to welcome me to the industry and it was truly a pleasure to work alongside him in what has turned out to be a very pivotal year for UAPA.  Thanks Joe!


                                                                                          -W. Reed Ryan

                                                                                          Executive Director

                                                                                          The Utah Asphalt Pavement Association