Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Executive Director Message UAPA Newsletter December 2014

Last night I had the privilege of attending a concert by the Millennial Choir & Orchestra of Utah.  During that performance, one individual singer sung a solo that that was both touching and effective in sharing a certain message.   Later on, during the same song, the soloist was joined by the entire choir and orchestra in what can only be described as an overwhelming and powerful performance that will certainly resonate with me and many others for many holiday seasons to come. 
Similar to my experience with the choir and orchestra, it is not hard for me to draw an analogy to the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association (UAPA).  Individually, we can certainly be effective and cause change within and without our industry.  Collectively, however, I’ve seen us move mountains and work to become a unified voice that is being heard on a number of issues affecting how we do business.
I know that that work will continue for UAPA in 2015.  First and foremost on our agenda is providing a first-rate educational experience at the 2015 Utah Asphalt Conference.  Indeed, we are working hard to provide all attendees with a comprehensive and meaningful education on all things asphalt – even the politics and funding that goes on in the state in order to build and maintain our roads!  Here are just a few of the highlights of the upcoming conference:
·      Doug Watson from CMT Engineering will join us to talk about how quality control directly affects your pavement life.
·      Joe Johnson from Kilgore Companies and several city representatives will talk to attendees about why consistent specifications in our region matter. 
·      We will have an exciting and engaging panel discussion with representatives from WW Clyde, Staker Parson Companies, Kilgore Companies, and Granite Construction who will share with us all of the amazing and diversified careers centered on the asphalt pavement industry here in Utah.
On top of these great breakout sessions and others, we will have the President of Cat Paving join us on the 26th to give a keynote address to all attendees.  As the full agenda has this and much more in store, I hope you will consider attending the conference in 2015 and even participate as an exhibitor or sponsor where appropriate.
As the year 2014 comes to a close, I want to wish you the very best during this holiday season.  It is a special time of year, so take a moment to enjoy it because 2015 is right around the corner and we have much to do!   

                                                                                                Warm regards,


UAPA Newsletter President’s Message December 2014

    We are quickly coming to the end of 2014.  While we have had a mild fall and early winter, we know that our asphalt paving and maintenance season will be ending soon.  From all indications it has been a good year with improvement over last year and we look forward to a great year in 2015.

Last month, we had a very successful first annual Southern Utah Asphalt Seminar with approximately one-hundred-and-thirty (130) attendees and great support from vendors and exhibitors from all over the state.  Special thanks to all who helped make the event an overwhelming success.  I have received great feedback from many on the content and support of the seminar.

As we finish the year, I would encourage everyone to help us focus as we finalize plans for the 2015 Utah Asphalt Conference happening February 25th-26th at the South Towne Expo Center in Sandy, Utah.  We need everyone’s support to have another successful conference.  Please take some time to reach out to UAPA members and industry folks to register, exhibit, and sponsor this event.

I wish all of you a very happy holiday season.  Enjoy it to the fullest by spending time with loved ones and reflecting on all that is good. 

                                                                        -Craig Fabrizio
                                                                        Staker Parson Companies

                                                                        UAPA President 2014-2015

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

President's Message - UAPA Newsletter - November 2014

Time flies when you are paving into November and making sure we complete as much work as we can before the snow arrives.  At this time of the year, it’s not hard to realize that we are in a very seasonal business.  That realization comes with certain challenges for resources in terms of both equipment and people.  

Part of our charge as an association is to help our members better tell our story to the next generation of our workforce and future leaders of our industry.  I had the opportunity last month to talk “Asphalt” with some Utah Valley University Construction Management students.  It was great to see that there are many young people that have interest in our industry; we need, as members of UAPA, to strive to help educate and give these folks opportunities to join our ranks.

Later this month we will present our first Southern Utah Asphalt Pavement Seminar.  The response so far from members has been great.  I would challenge all of you to reach out and invite our city, county folks, engineering firms, testing labs and all others associated with our industry to attend with us.  Waylund Ludlow and Reed have done a great job planning this event.  I look forward to seeing many of your there.

Thanks, for all you do as members to support our group.  We have many people attending meetings with UDOT, APWA, Questar Gas, and others every week helping tell the story of our industry and helping build and maintain a better infrastructure for everyone to enjoy.  For that, I thank you!

-Craig Fabrizio
Staker Parson Companies

UAPA President 2014-2015

Executive Director Message - UAPA Newsletter November 2014

The frost in the air and a few flakes here and there must mean that the construction season in Utah is quickly coming to an end in the next few weeks.  By most accounts, it has been a good season full of challenges and opportunities.  And while things may be slowing down on a lot of fronts, there are still a number of things happening with UAPA that you should be aware of – here a just a few of the highlights:

  • The first-ever Southern Utah Asphalt Pavement Seminar will take place on the 18th of November at the Dixie Center in St. George.  This one-day conference promises to deliver excellent educational sessions while also bringing in the Mayor of Washington City and the Director of Region Four for UDOT.  We’re excited to help this event become a success year in and year out and with over one hundred (100!) people already registered, I’d say we are off to a great start!
  • Following on the heels of the Southern Seminar, the 2015 Utah Asphalt Conference seems to be lurking right around the corner and both the Steering Committee and the Planning Committee are in full swing developing another great agenda and event.  We’ve already sold a number of booths to returning vendors who rate our conference as one of the best in the entire nation!  I’m excited to see what the conference this year will bring, and I am happy to take your input on how we can make it even better as we move forward.
  • As an association, we continue our engagement with various other entities, owners, and associations.  We’re proud to be a member of the Utah Transportation Coalition and we look forward to what promises to be a productive legislative session for the state of Utah in 2015.  Similarly, we continue to engage Questar Gas in ongoing task group meetings striving to find common ground in developing better rates for asphalt suppliers and producers.  As always, we’re proud to partner with the APWA and are pleased that UAPA has been offered a seat at the Specifications Committee for the APWA.  We’ve also worked closely with UDOT to make a change to the Binder Certification Program this year that should help with mix design submittals in the off season, and we continue to work with the DOT on a number of other issues including the DOT’s move to an IRI specification; the microsurfacing specification; longitudinal joints; and SMA.

As always, I am very thankful for everything this association does for our communities and our industry.  I am thankful for the commitment of many individuals who have put forth and sacrificed many hours on behalf of UAPA.  It is amazing to see that as a collective, we are making a difference.  There’s always plenty to do and things to improve, and I am thankful to be working alongside so many of you to make a difference each and every day!  In a season of Thanksgiving, I offer my sincerest gratitude for all of you! Thank you!


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Designing Mixes for Top Performance

By Dwight Walker
Today’s asphalt paving mixtures are a diverse and complex group of materials. Pavement engineers can select from dense-graded mixes, open-graded (permeable) mixes, stone matrix asphalts (SMAs) and mixes with various reclaimed components and numerous modifiers.

Asphalt mixes can be produced by a hot or warm process. Then there are specialty mixes for very targeted applications. One common element of all of these asphalt mixes is that they have to be designed in order to meet performance expectations.

Purpose of mix design

The purpose of a mix design is to find an economic combination of asphalt binder and aggregates that will provide long-lasting performance. The mix design process uses a series of lab procedures to select an appropriate blend of aggregate sources and sizes and determine the type and amount of asphalt binder.

It should be recognized that a mix design is just the starting point for achieving the desired asphalt pavement performance. Other factors, such as structural design, construction practices, and maintenance operations significantly influence pavement performance.

A poor or inappropriate mix design can contribute to poor pavement performance. So it is important that a mix design be done properly. Good design procedures are based on sound research and many years of observing the performance of asphalt pavements.

A good mix design procedure closely simulates actual field conditions. The goal is to closely model the performance of the actual mix that will be produced, including binder absorption, compaction during construction and under future traffic, moisture damage sensitivity, and rutting and fatigue properties.

Mix design basics

Designing a mix generally consists of the following steps:

• choosing the aggregate types, sizes and combined gradation;
• selecting the type and grade of asphalt binder (if not already specified by the owner);
• preparing and testing the test specimens; and
• determining the binder content.

A good mix design has to achieve a balance of desired properties, which can include stability, durability, impermeability (or, in some cases permeability), workability, flexibility, fatigue resistance and skid resistance. The design gradation and binder content are selected to optimize properties for each specific application.

Balancing the mix properties can be somewhat challenging. For example, a mix must have sufficient asphalt to be durable, but too much asphalt contributes to rutting. Similarly, there must be enough air voids (in the compacted pavement) to accommodate some additional compaction under traffic, but too many air voids allow air and water to enter the pavement and contribute to damage. And a mix must be compactible during placement but not become unstable under repeated loads.

For dense-graded mixes, the design is generally based on optimizing air voids and VMA. Field performance has shown that dense-graded mixtures designed with low air voids (generally less than two percent) can be susceptible to rutting and shoving. Similarly, experience has shown that mixes designed with more than 5 percent air voids are susceptible to durability concerns such as oxidation and raveling.

Mix designs with RAP

With the growing interest in using higher amounts of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) this mixture component must be carefully considered in the mix design. These materials may be able to be used in well-performing mixtures, but some adjustments may be needed.

Consistency of the recycled materials is a very real concern with these materials, particularly at high usage rates. Both the quality and quantity of the old asphalt binder is subject to differ if the source of these materials changes. Many agencies have specific rules on how these components can be used; check before developing the mix design.

Bailey Method

Experienced mix design practitioners occasionally encounter mixes which seem very sensitive to really small gradation changes. Gradation variations that are within the allowable job mix formula tolerances may result in very different air voids and VMA properties from previous results. For these sensitive mixes, small changes can make big differences. The Bailey Method provides a tool for dealing with these mixes.

The Bailey Method evaluates the aggregate “packing” characteristics (or how the aggregate particles fit together). Having this information allows the mix technician to make educated adjustments to aggregate structure.

According to an Asphalt Institute training presentation, “It was originally developed as a method for combining aggregates to optimize aggregate interlock and provide the proper volumetric properties. The procedures have been refined to a systematic approach to aggregate blending that is applicable to all dense-graded aggregate mixtures, regardless of the maximum size aggregate in the mixture.”

Bailey works for coarse and fine graded mixes, as well as for SMAs.

Performance testing

After a mix design is developed, performance testing can be done to estimate performance prior to use. The two primary distresses evaluated are rutting and cracking.

Rutting occurs at high pavement temperatures under loaded conditions. As the temperature increases, the mix softens and is more susceptible to movement under loading. Rutting (or permanent deformation) develops when the mix deforms under load and then does not recover to its original position. Rutting tests are conducted at high temperatures to represent the in-service temperature experienced by an asphalt mix in hot weather.

The Marshall stability and Hveem stabilometer tests have historically been used to provide an indication of rutting resistance. More recently, other rutting tests have been introduced, including Loaded Wheel Testers (LWTs), the Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Test (HWT), and the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT).

Loaded wheel testing can be used to approximate the rutting susceptibility of an asphalt mix. The LWT runs a wheel over a mix specimen at an elevated temperature. After a specified number of loading cycles, the amount of rutting is determined and compared to established criteria. The Asphalt Pavement Analyzer is a commonly used version of an LWT.

Another commonly used loaded wheel test is the Hamburg wheel-tracking test (HWT). The HWT is used to evaluate rutting and stripping susceptibility. A loaded steel wheel tracks back and forth over test specimens to induce rutting. Samples can be tested dry or while submerged in water. Rutting tests should be performed under dry conditions.

The Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) can perform uniaxial testing, and the flow number from this test can be used to evaluate rutting potential. The flow number test is a repeated-load creep test that is performed at a temperature similar to that experienced at the placement location of the mix. A commonly used practice is to choose the average 7-day maximum pavement temperature at a depth of 20 millimeters.

Cracking performance

Asphalt cracking is generally caused by repeated traffic loading (load-associated) or by temperature changes (non-load-associated). Load-associated cracking occurs at all pavement temperatures when the loading of the mix causes tensile strains to develop that exceed the tensile strength of the mix. Load-associated cracking is often referred to as “fatigue cracking.” This type of cracking occurs as the mix becomes stiffer and cannot resist the repeated load deformations.

In recent years, cracking has been observed where the cracks begin at the surface of the mix, usually on the outside edges of the wheel path, and work down. This type of distress is called top-down cracking. Classic, bottom-up, fatigue cracking is usually found in thinner pavements constructed on a granular base (or other base layer). The top-down cracking is most often observed in thicker pavements, or asphalt pavements constructed over a rigid base (like an asphalt overlay of a concrete pavement). Top-down cracking may also be durability cracking caused by increasing stiffness of the mix as it ages in-service.

Load-associated cracking tests are usually conducted at intermediate temperatures to represent the temperature experienced by the mix throughout the year. Some of the tests to evaluate load-associated cracking include the flexural beam fatigue test, the resilient modulus, (Mr), test, and several procedures developed by various universities.

The properties of the asphalt mix, and specifically, the asphalt binder properties, affect the susceptibility to non-load-associated (or thermal) cracking. The properties of the aggregates, the amount of asphalt in the mix and the degree of compaction all influence the mix performance. But, for thermal cracking, the asphalt binder properties are much more important. So, the mix designer usually relies on selecting the proper binder grade to address low temperature cracking.

If the asphalt binder contains large particles (250 microns or larger), like some ground tire modified binders, or if the mix contains fibers, mix testing to evaluate low temperature performance may be needed. Indirect tensile creep and indirect tensile strength are used for this purpose.

Mix design resources

This article is intended to provide an introduction to asphalt mix design. In order to actually perform mix designs, much more detailed information is needed. There are numerous resources available from the Asphalt Institute (classes, webinars, manuals) and other sources.

Monday, August 25, 2014

UAPA President's Message - August 2014

As members of UAPA this time of year brings all sorts of challenges. Our people have been going strong for a few months and yet we notice that the days are getting a little shorter and the air is a little cooler in the mornings. Deadlines loom and we feel ourselves getting anxious about completing the work for the season. Welcome to the road construction industry, it's what we do!

 It was nice having a break this week and spending time as an association at our annual Golf Classic at Eaglewood Golf Course. Thanks to Reed and his great planning and execution, the tournament was a great success. We had more than a complete field  of participants (it slowed things down a bit) and we had great support from many sponsors. Other than a little scare from Mother Nature as we started, it was a great day. I think the best part was our contribution to the Boys and Girls Club of Sandy, giving back to charities like this should make us all feel better.

Going into the fall we have many things to look forward to as an Association. Plans are in the works for our first Southern Utah event to spread the message to members and non-members alike in the southern part of the state. That along with our continued Lunch and Learns and the UAPA presentation at the APWA Luncheon we will continue to keep preaching the gospel of Asphalt.

Thanks for all you do,

Craig Fabrizio
Staker Parson Companies 

Looking Towards Fall and the Southern Utah Seminar

A big 'THANK YOU' to everyone who helped to make this year's UAPA Golf Classic a resounding success. From sponsors and participants to volunteers and vendors, please accept my gratitude for helping us raise money for the Sandy Club. The best part of working with the Sandy Club and helping them raise funds this year is the fact that 100% of our donation will be match by the Larry H. and Gail Miller Family Foundation! The kindness and goodness of this industry continues to amaze me - thank you for making a difference in the lives of children and families across the Wasatch Front.

As I stood on the 8th Hole selling Hole-In-Ones for the tournament, it was not hard to feel the chill in the air, especially with that wind blowing in morning! Feeling that chill, I realized that fall is just around the corner and that means so is the UAPA Southern Utah Seminar. Open your calendars and mark the 18th of November as a historic and important date for UAPA, for the 18th is the date for the very first UAPA Southern Utah Seminar at the Dixie Center in St. George. The Southern Utah Seminar promises to deliver a full day's worth of education, networking, and training for our industry similar to our Lunch and Learn Series and the Utah Asphalt Conference that takes place each spring.

I hope you will join us on the 18th in St. George. As an organization, we are excited to increase the depth and reach of the association by providing the same quality of presentations and presenters to other areas of the state because this truly is the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association and we need to make sure that we reach all areas of the state. Registration for the Southern Utah Seminar will open soon. There will be opportunities to sponsor, exhibit, and present at the seminar. Please do not hesitate to shoot me an email if you have an interest. More information will follow soon!

 Best Regards,

-W. Reed Ryan
Executive Director
Utah Asphalt Pavement Association

Thursday, July 3, 2014

UAPA Newsletter President's Message July 2014

            I appreciate the opportunity to serve this year as the President of the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association (UAPA).  Looking back at our first year and the progress we have made since that time makes me proud.  It is exciting to see UAPA become a “brand name” in the industry here in Utah.

As we are in the middle of the construction season, it is more important than ever to stay engaged and involved in our cause.  Please take time to support our Lunch and Learns (the next one is happening on the 17th of July), committee meetings, and other industry events.

Reed and I have outlined out goals for this year and our work is cut out for us.  I am grateful that I had the chance last month to attend all of our committee meetings to see the great work that is currently being done from people all across our industry.  Thanks to all of the members and chairs of those committees that take so much time helping UAPA and industry become better.

This summer and fall promise to be both fun and productive as we prepare for another UDOT-UAPA Quarterly Meeting, more lunch and learns, and the 3rd Annual UAPA Golf Tournament.

In closing, I would like to thank Joe Johnson for the time he gave last year as our president.  Joe saw the association through many critical discussions and initiatives and his service has put this association on the right track to move forward and accomplish many more great things!  Thanks Joe!


                                                                                          -Craig Fabrizio

                                                                                          Staker Parson Companies

                                                                                          UAPA President 2014-2015

Wasatch Front Regional Council --PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD AND OPEN HOUSE--

The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) has released its draft Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and is seeking public comment on projects identified for the program. The TIP is updated every year, with the current program outlining proposed new construction projects to be funded from 2015 through 2020.

Click here to view the Draft 2015-2020 TIP. 

Projects identified in the TIP come from the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The RTP identifies the long-range transportation needs for the region, including transit, roads, bicycle, and pedestrian projects. Amendments to the current RTP are also being considered and are available for public comment and review. The corresponding air quality conformity analyses will also be available.

Click here to view the proposed amendments and here for the RTP interactive online map.

These plans, programs, and projects are subject to public review and comment prior to consideration and possible adoption by the Regional Council.  The public review and comment period will begin on June 28, 2014 and run through August 2, 2014. An open house will be held at:


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

UTA Intermodal Center Plaza (outdoors)

250 South 600 West, Salt Lake City

4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


In the event of inclement weather, the open house will be moved into the adjacent Intermodal Center.  Further information is available on the Regional Council’s website at Comments may also be given to Sam Klemm at, or (801) 363-4250.  They can also be mailed to WFRC, 295 North Jimmy Doolittle Road, Salt Lake City, UT  84116. 


To assure the open house is available to all members of the public, accommodations for effective communication such as sign language interpreters or printed materials in alternate format must be requested at least five (5) working days prior to the date of the scheduled event(s). Requests should be directed to WFRC during business hours.


Para recibir esta informacion en Espanol, envie un correo electronico a Sam Klemm a




Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Executive Director's Message July 2014

A Busy Time of Year…

 The orange barrels on the road and the smell of fresh asphalt in the air tells me that we are in full swing and in the heart of the season as an industry.  And while we are busily engaged in bettering communities and neighborhoods up, down, and all across Utah, the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association (UAPA) is anxiously engaged in a number of activities that have served to promote and protect our industry here in the state.  Here’s a quick recap of just a few of the things that have been keeping the association engaged and active:

·       On June 16th, the association held its first-ever business roundtable for our placement and maintenance contractors.  The purpose of the meeting was to assess how UAPA can better serve the needs of these important members.  The discussion was frank, open, and honest.  And from it, UAPA now has several actionable items to help meet the needs of this segment of industry.

·       On June 17th, UAPA hosted Representative Johnny Anderson from the Utah House of Representatives on a plant tour and business roundtable at the facilities for Kilgore Companies.  As the association continues to grow and mature, such connections to people like Rep. Anderson will be vital to our efforts in helping to secure infrastructure funding for the state of Utah.  This meeting and plant tour was an important step in helping to lay that groundwork.

·       On June 30th, the association met with UDOT for our next installment of the UDOT-UAPA Quarterly Meeting.  At that meeting we continued to work with the department to move forward with important items from our Industry Improvement Agenda. 

·       Additionally, the association has recently held meetings with the APWA, Questar Gas Company, and participated in a FHWA EDC Initiative highlighting high friction surface courses.

July promises to be just as busy as June.  I hope you will join us for our Lunch and Learn on the 17th of July.  We’ll be lucky to hear from Joe Johnson on what goes in to producing quality hot mix asphalt along with the basics on how an asphalt plant works. 

We’re busy, but we are productive and we can always do more, so please do not hesitate to reach out to me if there is anything UAPA can do for you. 


                                                                                          - W. Reed Ryan

                                                                                          Executive Director

                                                                                         Utah Asphalt Pavement Association

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Utah handled a boom in growth and can do it again, experts say

Transportation » Increasing fuel tax is one option to cover infrastructure.   

Layton • Utah used careful planning to avoid some horrible effects of rapid growth in the past 20 years, experts say, and it’s time to do it again. That probably includes raising motor-fuel taxes to pay for transportation improvements.

Speakers delivered that message Thursday on Weber State University’s Layton campus during the Top of Utah Transportation Expo, sponsored by the Utah Department of Transportation and the Utah Transit Authority.

Friday, May 2, 2014

President's Message April


I have been torn for the last couple of weeks as to what to write for my last newsletter message as UAPA’s President.  Looking back, it is easy to see the growth of the association over this past year on many levels.  We have several committees that meet now on a regular basis, we have a fully functioning Board of Directors, the Utah Asphalt Conference was a huge success, and we have regularly and collectively engaged industry and our community from specification revisions to partnerships with such organizations as Habitat for Humanity and Make-A-Wish Utah. 

Looking forward, I will, however, be the first to recognize that there is yet more to do.  That is why I am excited for the leadership of Craig Fabrizio over the course of the next year.  As I now take on the role of UAPA’s Past-President, I stand ready to help Craig, Reed, and the entire UAPA family achieve the strategic goals and vision for this association as it continues to grow and indeed, “Pave the Future.”

I appreciate your support this past year as UAPA’s President, and I hope that you will continue to engage this association and actively participate in events, meetings, and conferences as we continue to grow together.


-Joe Johnson

Kilgore Companies

UAPA President

April 2013 – April 2014