After a lot of work this summer by a dues structure task
group, and with approval from our board, there will be some changes to the dues
structure for the association. UAPA’s
year, for ease in accounting, etc., will now move to match the actual calendar
year that we are in – whereas before UAPA ran from April to April each year,
the association will now operate within the calendar year from January to December. This will allow our members, where
beneficial, to pay renewal dues at the end of the current year for membership
in the upcoming year. Concurrently, the
proration of dues for joining UAPA during the year will also change to match
this move. There will also be a slight
increase in dues for members to help match the needs and demands of our growing
association and its commitments. As the
Charter Agreement for the association expires, these changes, taken as a
collective, should help to place our organization on the firm footing it needs
to move forward for the foreseeable future.
As the Charter Agreement expires, elections will also take
place to elect the next Board of Directors for UAPA. These elections will take place in January
and allow us to install new officers at the first ever Annual Meeting for the
Utah Asphalt Pavement Association, which will be held in conjunction with the
Utah Asphalt Conference in February.
While at that same meeting, we will review the accomplishments of the
association over the past year and present our shared vision for the
association over the year to come – I hope you will join us there!
Change can be difficult, but I am personally looking forward
to all the good things that will be happening for UAPA in 2014. Our work is certainly not done, so please
feel free to reach out to me ( if you have an interest in
serving in any capacity either on the board or as a chair/member on one of our
committees. Change is coming to UAPA,
but with the strength of our members and the support of our industry, 2014 will
be a great year for this association!
Reed Ryan
Utah Asphalt Pavement Association