Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Material-Specific Discount Rate Flaws Raised in Media

During NAPA's Annual Meeting in California, a press conference was held to inform industry journalists about the white paper "An Economic Analysis of the Proposed Material-Specific Discount Rate for Commodity Pricing in Highway Construction Life-Cycle Cost Analyses" (NAPA Special Report 203). The white paper highlights flaws in using material-specific discount rates in LCCAs — a unique approach with no support in accepted economic practices — as promoted by the Portland Cement Association. The approach is based on information from a 2011 report by the Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSH) that attempts to model differing inflationary pressures for different materials within an LCCA.
NAPA's Dr. Audrey Copeland, Vice President for Engineering, Research, & Technology, and Jay Hansen, Executive Vice President, briefed members of the media about the findings in the white paper, as well as legislative initiatives that use the CSH report in an attempt to mandate the use of a material-specific discount rate.
Since the press conference, the NAPA report has been covered by Better Roads,ForConstructionPros.com (the Web portal for Asphalt Contractor, Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction, and other titles), Public Works Magazine,InfraStructures, and Rebuilding America's Infrastructure. The white paper has also been reported on by Engineering News-Record.
A copy of the white paper and supporting materials are available at www.asphaltpavement.org/SR203.

Transportation Bill Clears House Committee

Friday, Feb. 3, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved a five-year, $260 billion reauthorization of federal surface transportation programs. After a contentious 18-hour meeting during which more than 100 amendments were considered, the vote was 29–24 to send H.R. 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, to the House floor. H.R. 7 provides, on average, $40.9 billion for highways thru FY 2016. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood called the measure "the worst transportation bill" he's seen in decades, describing it in an interview with Politicoas "partisan," "anti-safety" and inadequate in funding infrastructure investment.
Also, the House Ways and Means Committee approved 20–17 the revenue provisions of H.R. 7. The committee voted to shift the 2.86 cents per gallon gas tax used to fund mass transit programs into the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund. Under the measure, transit programs would instead be funded through a new Alternative Transportation Fund. The full House is expected to consider H.R. 7 the week of Feb. 13.  More information about H.R. 7 is available in the Government Affairs section of the NAPA Web site, www.asphaltpavement.org.

President's Message - February 2012

2012 is off to a great start!  Reed Ryan began his employment with UAPA on January 9, 2012, as our Executive Director. He hit the pavement (asphalt of course!) running and hasn't slowed down since.  Thanks to all of the members that have taken time to introduce Reed to their companies and key personnel.  Reed has already shown us why he was the perfect choice for this position with his abilities to organize our group better and start building key relationships within our industry.  Because of this, UAPA is making great strides and new members continue to join weekly.  As more members become involved we are all continuing to see the benefits of UAPA membership.

If I may, let me share both a reminder and challenge as we prepare for the 2012 Utah Asphalt Conference that will be held on March 27, 2012, at the South Towne Center in Sandy, Utah.  As many of you may know, we are working closely with the Utah LTAP Center and the Asphalt Institute in preparation for a well-attended and educational event.  After you pencil in this event on your own calendars, please take a moment to share an invitation to this conference with everyone involved in our industry and support UAPA as we look for sponsors and exhibitors.

Beyond the Asphalt Conference, we also have many other beneficial events coming up in the next few months.  We are continuing our quarterly UDOT/UAPA meetings, forming UAPA subcommittees as needed to address industry topics, and in May we are co-hosting an Asphalt Institute training meeting. 

Thanks again to everyone that is working to grow our association.  Please feel free to share any suggestions or needs that UAPA can address. 

Best Regards,

Craig Fabrizio
Staker Parson Companies
UAPA President

Executive Director's Message - February 2012

Thank you for welcoming me into the asphalt pavement family here in Utah. My wife and I have deep ties to the state and I am excited for the opportunity to return. While in Washington, D.C., my experiences in and around the federal government taught me many things. I hope to use those skills now as the Utah Asphalt Pavement Association (UAPA) takes the next steps as a growing association. 

Reed Ryan
Indeed, as UAPA begins to take those steps the vision of our organization remains clear: UAPA is committed to being the unified voice of the asphalt industry in Utah. To be that voice, I know that we will all have do to a lot of listening first. Together, let us listen to each other, let us listen to our customers, and let us listen to opinion leaders across the state. I am confident that as we engage in this exercise that the unification of our voice will come naturally and powerfully to those who will hear what it is we have to say.

As the executive director of UAPA, I stand ready to listen to you. You make our industry what it is today and what it will become tomorrow. I work for you. Let me hear what it is you have to say. Then, let us see what we can accomplish together. I know we can make a difference, and I am excited for what lies ahead.
Let's get to work.
                -Reed Ryan
                Utah Asphalt Pavement Association
                (801) 916-2426 cell

Utah Asphalt Conference - Save the Date

Register Now 
to attend the 
Annual Utah Asphalt Conference 
March 27, 2012 
South Towne Expo Center